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82 | Empowered Personal Growth and Finding Purpose with Jess Soto Ramirez

Season #4

This is a conversation between host Alena Turley and Empowerment Coach, Jess Soto Ramirez on topics like:

  • personal empowerment,
  • taking back control over your life, and
  • the importance of listening to your intuition.

They also touch upon subjects like entrepreneurship, self-discovery, and the challenges women face in society whilst exploring themes of personal growth and finding your own power and aligned purpose.


Alena Turley is an award-winning Soulful Parenting Practitioner, Mentor, Martial Artist, and Ethical Influencer with extensive knowledge and over 15 years of experience in her field.

Alena has worked as a Mentor for mothers in England and Australia, and founded the pioneering blog, Soul Mama Hub, in 2009.

Alena focuses on identifying and addressing what's at the heart of personal well-being issues for mothers and offers a direct, evidence-based, truthful, and informative approach to optimizing health, purpose, and well-being.


The *SOUL MAMA* small group program is specially designed for women ready to move from feeling overwhelmed or unfulfilled to enjoying a bold and purpose-led lifestyle, whilst still showing up as the best mum and human, possible.

👯‍♀️ Join the WAITLIST and get a free goodie bag filled with incredible resources for mothers ready to re-empower and emerge through motherhood to become the change-makers they always dreamed of being.

Click here for your free Virtual Goodie Bag of resources to support greater love, connection and resilience, daily 👜

ps. If you're ready RIGHT NOW to float over and get on a joy-creator call to shift some energy-zapping parenting habits... APPLY NOW HERE (only 10 available per month)


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