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79 | Exploring the Relationship between Happiness and Ethical Living with Suze Wood

Season #4

Meet the Ethical Cheerleader, Suze Wood

"If I had a zone of genius perhaps it would be that I don't have one! Whilst I draw on many skills and experiences, my intent isn't to offer advice or expertise, but rather to connect through the sharing of stories and ideas, contemplate questions together and, most importantly, cheer each other on.

In my own life, I've found a supportive friend to be as valuable to my wellbeing and growth as any expert (not to devalue the different, equally helpful role they also play). Essentially, I believe that by being ourselves, we can all make a difference in the world - whether we consider ourselves experts or not - and when we do it together we thrive. This is the kind of stuff I love to talk about!"


A home ed mama and writer, Suze is the creative energy behind Ethical Cheerleader, a supportive Instagram community exploring how ethical living and happiness go hand in hand.

An avid travel lover, she also works for Kynder, a conscious travel platform connecting hosts and guests who value kind and mutually-rewarding hospitality experiences as a force for good. In 2006, during a six month trip, Suze realised a life largely spent appeasing 'shoulds' was significantly impairing her ability to love the world and so began a life-long journey unearthing authenticity and learning to live with conscious intent.

Drawing on her should-free philosophy and fuelled by her love for planet earth, Suze writes to encourage all of us seeking to embrace our full selves and hoping to create our own, beautifully unique versions of a fun and fulfilling ethical life!



Another episode we mention in this conversation:
GRATITUDE'S SHADOW with Dr Kerry Howell


Alena Turley is an award-winning Soulful Parenting Practitioner, Mentor, Martial Artist, and Ethical Influencer with extensive knowledge and over 15 years of experience in her field.

Alena has worked as a Mentor for mothers in England and Australia, and founded the pioneering blog, Soul Mama Hub, in 2009.

Alena focuses on identifying and addressing what's at the heart of personal well-being issues for mothers and offers a direct, evidence-based, truthful, and informative approach to optimising health, purpose, and well-being.


*SOUL MAMA VIP* is the monthly membership and anti-depletion protocol for women ready to move from wishing the days away to enjoying a bold and purposeful change-maker lifestyle, whilst still showing up as the best mum possible.

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ps. If you're ready RIGHT NOW to float over and get on a joy-creator call to shift some energy-zapping parenting habits... APPLY NOW HERE (only 10 available each month)


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