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68 | How to Make Decisions Using Your Intuition with Lisa K

Season #3

SPECIAL GUEST Lisa K. PhD – Intuition Expert Teacher, Author, Speaker

Lisa K. helps people trust their intuition to make better decisions. Lisa teaches others how to use the power of intuition in their decisions, so they no longer doubt themselves and feel confident moving forward. Having developed a revolutionary new step-by-step intuition technique Lisa has taught hundreds of people how to use their intuition on command. Lisa teaches workshops and seminars both online and in person. Lisa K.’s public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking on radio, television, and online media.

Lisa holds degrees in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, Psychobiology from the State University of New York, and a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysical Sciences.

As an author, Lisa's work is frequently published in a variety of online magazines including The Huffington Post, Inspire Me Today, and OmTimes Magazine. Her latest book is Intuition On Demand published by Findhorn Press.

Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at:


- accessing the sea of energy that makes up everything and connects us to intuitive information

- how energy follows thought and naturally flows from our being

- the power of day-dreaming for calling in desired outcomes

- understanding that the universe wants what you want

- the power of clear requests followed by letting them go

- following intuitive messages to clarify your next steps

…and so much more!


Alena Turley is an award-winning Soulful Parenting Practitioner, Mentor, Martial Artist, and Ethical Influencer with extensive knowledge and over 15 years of experience in her field.

Alena has worked as a Mentor for mothers in England and Australia, and founded the pioneering blog, Soul Mama Hub, in 2009.

Alena focuses on identifying and addressing what's at the heart of personal well-being issues for mothers and offers a direct, evidence-based, truthful and informative approach to optimising health, purpose and well-being.

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ps. If you're just ready RIGHT NOW to jump in and get on a joy-creator call and start shifting some of those energy-zapping parenting habits... Find out more HERE at


For support with your journey to true and lasting wellbeing head to and get your FREE MINI-GUIDE to access the 3 Secrets to Healing from Depletion 

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