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65 | Living a Dream Life with Annelise Worn

Season #3

Annelise Worn is a mother, business woman, and dream weaver. 

In this open and honest share, Annelise describes how her life has landed her in a space of freedom, living in a beautiful place with her husband and children, with a global business and as her family's main breadwinner. 

She is an inspiring and humble woman, do not miss this opportunity to share how she managed to create such a free and integrity-driven life.

Find Annelise on Instagram here:


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Alena Turley is an award-winning Soulful Parenting Practitioner, Mentor, Martial Artist, and Ethical Influencer with extensive knowledge and over 15 years of experience in her field.

Alena has worked as an Influencer and Mentor in England and Australia, and founded the pioneering blog, Soul Mama Hub, in 2009.

Alena focuses on identifying and addressing what's at the heart of personal well-being issues for mothers and offers a direct, evidence-based, truthful and informative approach to optimising health and well-being.

  •  NEED A PEP TALK? Find 3 simple audio files, a gift to you, HERE.
  •  GET YOUR FREE mini guide to Healing from Depletion HERE

PS If you're just ready RIGHT NOW to jump in and get on a joy-creator call and start shifting some of those energy-zapping daily habits... BOOK IN TODAY HERE


🦁 For support with your journey to true and lasting wellbeing head to the Soul Mama Hub and get your FREE MINI-GUIDE to access the 3 Keys to Healing from Maternal Depletion 


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