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62 | The Concept of 'Enoughness' and How It Sits Right at the Heart of Perfectionism

Season #3

Do you have tendencies toward perfectionism? 

Are there times when you don't feel like what you have to offer is ENOUGH?

Well, I'm here to share my experience as I approach a huge test of mind, body and spirit - a black belt grading. 

At the same time, this year, I've been growing a new business and learning a lot about the deep importance of self belief when you are running an impact-driven, online service business. 

If you're a mother, a business owner - or dreaming of being a business owner - or perhaps you are facing your own challenges and feeling a call to up-level, well then you may relate to this one. 


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🦁 For support with your journey to true wellbeing head to the Soul Mama Hub and get your FREE MINI-GUIDE - 3 KEYS TO HEAL FROM maternal DEPLETION so you can show up as the best mum possible. 


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