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53 | Choosing Hope, A New Story for Humanity with Chris Agnos

Season #2

Meet Chris Agnos from Sustainable Human

Our response to the climate crisis is deeply rooted in our own maladaptations from the way we have been raised in disconnection from our place in nature. By healing ourselves and changing the way we parent and the way we consider our deeper connections, as families, as cultures, as humans who are alive right now, we can respond differently.

We talk about

  • Permaculture and filmmaking
  • Connecting how we parent with how we relate to the environment
  • Stories as the way we relate to the world, as a set of beliefs that answer questions Alternatives to the traditional β€˜story of separation from nature and from each other
  • Humans are natural co-operators who wish to live in harmony without violence
  • We are ready for a different story and to deal with conflict differently Exploring these themes ^^ with video storytelling to create a felt experience
  • The importance of choosing relationship and connection over control in response to our fundamentally human insecurities.

To experience some of Chris and Dawn's stories head to


πŸͺ· For support with your journey to holistic health and deep purpose as you navigate depletion, matrescence and motherhood head to the Soul Mama Academy and get your FREE GUIDE to healing from depletion. 


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