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43 | Rediscovering Creativity Through Postnatal Depression with Beth Platz

Season #2

Beth’s Story of Postnatal Depression and Rediscovering Creativity

Beth Platz has two young children (aged 2 and 4 years old) and has been married to her husband and high school sweetheart for 10 years. She is one year into her side hustle business Bright Eyes Custom where she sells her artworks. She is inspired by her boys and ‘squeezes it in, in the margins.

Fourteen months into her stay-at-home-mum-journey, Beth felt she needed something for herself, and yearned to bring a bigger dream to life. She’s always loved art since she was tiny.

Diagnosed with clinical postnatal depression her doctor asked her to brainstorm ‘what she loved’ but all she was dreaming of was more sleep.

With medical support she found her back to art and was able to remember the joy that her ‘first love’ has always brought her.

She was nervous about feeling joy after a period of going through the motions and being numb in her depressed state.

In this episode we talk about....

- Putting herself back on the to-do list and feeling the call to take care of herself ‘at a heart level’ was confronting and felt frivolous.

- How unresolved past hurts can take us out, as we lose ourselves in motherhood

- The radical act of asking for help when we feel alone

- Normalising the experience of mental and physical pain following birth traumas, parenting without community support, remembering how much we need each other.

- The courage to take action

- You might feel alone, but remember many have walked this path

- Birth and motherhood are a multisystem change that require multisystem support

- The need for community during these times especially with other mums

- Normalising frustration, depletion and recovery in early motherhood.

- Sharing our stories so others know it, name it and seek treatment where necessary with less shame around the stigma of mental health challenges.

- Allowing our kids to make mistakes with motherly love and support for when they fall

Connect with Beth at or on Instagram @brighteyescustom

Head to and get access to the FREE Bitesized Guides for ****Reducing Tensions at Home***** this Mother's Day, and every day, you would like some accessible and evidence based techniques to support you on your mama-journey.


🪷 For support with your journey to holistic health and deep purpose as you navigate depletion, matrescence and motherhood head to the Soul Mama Academy and get your FREE GUIDE to healing from depletion. 


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