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45 | Gratitude and its Shadow with Dr Kerry Howells

Season #2

Dr Kerry Howells is one of those very special people. She is obsessed with GRATITUDE. Her research over the past 25 years has focused around what is it, how it impacts us personally and socially and also the shadow side of it.

Listen to this Episode and learn more about her incredible gifts to humanity and how her recent book and her findings could be of service in your life.

If in Australia you can buy the book "UNTANGLING YOU: HOW CAN I BE GRATEFUL WHEN I FEEL SO RESENTFUL" from Kerry's website at

Use the code UNTANGLE10 to receive a $10 DISCOUNT (thanks Kerry!).
Outside Australia, purchase at Amazon, Book Depository, or Barnes & Noble

Dr Kerry Howells is an author, TEDx speaker, and award-winning educator who has spent over 25 years researching, teaching and practising gratitude. Kerry is pas
sionate about harnessing the role of gratitude to bring about flourishing relationships, a respectful workplace culture and, ultimately, a more peaceful world. Her work focuses on how to apply the research on gratitude (her own and others’), and the strategies she has developed, to life’s challenging situations. Kerry’s recent book Untangling you: How can I be grateful when I feel so resentful? has been met with critical acclaim internationally.


🪷 For support with your journey to holistic health and deep purpose as you navigate depletion, matrescence and motherhood head to the Soul Mama Academy and get your FREE GUIDE to healing from depletion. 


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