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49 | Tracy Harris from Mums with Hustle on Creating a Life By Design

Season #2

This Episode is full of big, awesome, life-affirming ideas.

And best of all, you leave with a couple of self-reflection questions to help you create YOUR life by design.

Tracy Harris is the energetic Founder and head coach at, Australia’s leading online community and online education platform for mums in business. She is fiercely dedicated to supporting big-hearted women wanting to design their life first and business second – by harnessing the superpower of Instagram as part of a complete digital strategy. One that aligns with who they are at their core and one that sees them creating their own version of success.

As a successful 7+ figure digital entrepreneur, she also helps women grow and scale their own online courses and memberships.

Tracy is a strong advocate for increasing the profile of mums in business and helping more women to become 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs themselves, whilst honouring family life and values.


Your host Alena Turley is the Founder of the Soul Mama Hub, a community for mothers to replenish and go from burnt out, stressed out and desperately needing a minute to themselves to relaxed, fully of joy and with the energy to show up as the best mum possible.


🪷 For support with your journey to holistic health and deep purpose as you navigate depletion, matrescence and motherhood head to the Soul Mama Academy and get your FREE GUIDE to healing from depletion. 


👉 Find your host Alena on INSTAGRAM here
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