When needing each other is more strength than weakness


In the westernised 'ego' based culture that we predominantly find ourselves in, success is often defined by the amount of money, or symbols of financial excess - cars, clothing, handbags. 

Herein lies the rub. 

Across the board, those who have experienced deep adversity and come back from it. or those who lie at the end of their lives reflecting will share something else. It would seem that it is the human connections, the enrichments of travel and curiosity, and the great honour of service we have provided to humanity or our beautiful earth that leave the deepest marks on the psyche and on our heart.

So the question is, do we turn ourselves inside out in pursuit of traditional success, or heed the call of our soul now and start really living? 

Join the community that foregrounds connection, being present in our ordinary moments, taking better care of the planet and each other, today.  


ps. Here are a few ways you can work with me and stay connected. 

1. Get the free guide — 3 Ways to break the Hustle Habit, here.  
2. Join our Soul Squad community here.
3. Book a time to have a chat with me here and try me for free

This has been a gift from me, Alena Turley, Speaker, Somatic Practitioner, Student of the Human Experience
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🧊 Respectfully created on the Land of the Saltwater People, long recognised as a place of learning, gathering, and healing.