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How to use Affirmations to Overcome Perfectionism


Do you know what I'm talking about when I say “pesky mind”….

It's not only that sometimes we feel less than our best, but it's the inner dialogue that follows that can really take us out.


But perfection isn’t the way of humans, we are <falsely> conditioned by our culture to think we are broken when in fact we are experimenting and course-correcting to grow, develop and change.

Adaptation is how we have survived this long, and we don’t adapt by pursuing false ideas of perfection. We adapt by flowing with change. Affirmations are a great way to remind ourselves of that. 



You can also write your own using these guidelines.

1. Make them present tense (the subconscious mind lives in the present)

2. Use simple words that carry feeling more than thought (heart-led more than brain-led)

3. Say them first thing in the morning and last thing at night so that you really maximise that window of blurred lines between your thinking mind and deeper levels of your being.

And that's it.
I'd love to help you personalise some of these for your particular circumstances.

You can book a 30-minute individual chat for free with me here ( We could spend a little time together and create some powerful statements just for you to help take the edge off those imperfect-mum-guilt moments.


ps. Here are a few ways you can work with me and stay connected. 

1. Get the free guide — 3 Ways to break the Hustle Habit, here.  
2. Join our Soul Squad community here.
3. Book a time to have a chat with me here and try me for free

This has been a gift from me, Alena Turley, Speaker, Somatic Practitioner, Student of the Human Experience
🎞️ Find me on Instagram


🧊 Respectfully created on the Land of the Saltwater People, long recognised as a place of learning, gathering, and healing.